NANOSTACKS project is receiving funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement 951949. The focus of the project is printing nano-stacks of different materials so that miniaturisation of multiple applications is assessed. It involves 5 European partners from 3 different countries, where the Technological Institute of Karlsruhe (Germany) is the coordinator. The rest of participants include the companies TECNAN (Spain) and Pepperprint (Germany), jointly with Leuven University (Belgium) and Lurederra Technology Centre (Spain).
Concerning the role of TECNAN within the project, it mainly collaborates with Lurederra in the production of specific nanomaterial, focused on Flame Spray Pyrolysis technology, in which TECNAN has a big expertise.
In relation to the project progress, the meeting corresponding to the first year will be held soon. In this meeting, the most promising results already achieved at this initial stage will be compiled. The good atmosphere among the partners has generated working groups of specific subjects, so that the sample exchange has been agile, enabling various printing tests with different compositions of nanomaterials as well as a preliminary validation of the basic principles of the present research. Up to now, the applications explored imply LED diodes and batteries, but the versatility of the technology in development may open a big number of final uses, mainly related to energy.